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a group of volunteers in a food warehouse



NutriPacks is made up of volunteers that are passionate and hard-working. We invite you to join us! We welcome new volunteers including individuals, businesses, school groups/teams, organizations and more. 

Many of our volunteer positions require physical activity:

  • Unloading trucks:  handling cases of food including heavy canned goods and large/awkward sized boxes of cereal, refrigerated and frozen items, crates of milk

  • Loading shelves:  opening / cutting cardboard cases, loading food onto shelves, breaking cardboard down for recycling, loading recycling and trash dumpster from carts in all weather

  • Packing backpacks:

    • Walking while loading bags from shelves.

    • Loading packed bags, up to 12 lbs, onto distribution shelves.

  • Delivering backpacks to schools: loading and unloading 12 lbs packs in car or van.


There are some activities that are less physically taxing:

  • Distribution of bags at schools.

  • Check in desk on distribution day at CD Middle School.

Volunteers are required to obtain criminal and child abuse clearances prior to participating in activities.



Sign up to help:







We are always looking for people to organize food drives or bring other volunteer ideas forward. To get involved in other ways, please contact us!


Barb Lindemuth


Barb is a familiar face at South Side Elementary school on many Thursdays during the school year.  Since 2016, Barb has been cheerfully distributing bags to our district families, and has become a valued member of the Nutripacks volunteer corps.  Barb became involved with Nutripacks through her acquaintance with Pam Jones, a previous director of the program.  Initially, Barb was working as a volunteer with Pam during the preparation and celebration of Linglestown's 250th anniversary, held in 2015.  Once the anniversary events were over, Pam asked Barb to consider volunteering with Nutripacks.  And the rest is history, so to speak.

Speaking of history, when not volunteering at South Side, Barb spends some of her time researching genealogy.  These pursuits have provided her opportunities to publish articles in the Lancaster Mennonite Historical magazine, and have also helped Barb find in her own ancestry the evidence needed to become a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).).

Though a Linglestown native, after college Barb moved to the Philadelphia area to work for many years as a business analyst.   When her parents passed away, Barb took that opportunity to retire and move home, literally: she purchased her parents' house and now lives in her same childhood home.  When not researching geneology and history, writing, or volunteering, Barb spends some time with her lawyer daughter in Middletown and four furry granddogs.

Nutripacks is honored and blessed greatly by the dependable and cheerful presence of Barb at South Side.   Thank you, Barb!!  We couldn't do it without you!

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Panther Ram Foundation, formally known as The Foundation for the Central Dauphin School District, is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Your contribution is tax deductable and allows you to support a cause that directly benefits Central Dauphin School District children. Tax credit options for businesses are available upon request.

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